You will never fail in your life again

“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” – Coco Chanel

Why most of the time people fail in life? Sometimes people do not know the reasons behind their failure. Do not worry. In this article, I have explained and jotted down some points, that might help you.

You are responsible for your life. And if you are sitting around waiting on somebody to save you, to fix you, to even help you, then you are wasting your time because only you have the power to take responsibility to move your life forward. Nobody is going to cry for you, they have their own tears. I really have been fascinated by people that have changed their mindset into understanding that everything that is not going well right now is their fault. It has been remarkably important to me in understanding that everything that I am not happy about me. It is a remarkably interesting brain twist. The amount of energy spent on things that you cannot control v/s being accountable to what you can control has been a huge separator for me in the last four or five years as I have dug deep.

Now I want to share something about my personal life, which made me to think like an influencer.
“My father worked two jobs. We were always broken. We have no money for food. And we lived in a community we moved to, which I thought they were all rich and on the other side of the tracks. But it was a lower middle-class, but compared to where we lived before, these people seem rich compared to us. And suddenly my father was sick and weak. He could not feed us. And no more he can look after us. We were broken.

Moreover, we cannot depend on our father anymore. No one gave us food when we are hungry. Everyone pushed us out of their home for begging food. And that day, I realized that it is not about the value of your soul, it is about the value of you in the marketplace and our father’s skills are not valuable. And today, I can feel my place in the market.

So, it is our turn and responsibility to bring ourselves up. No one will stand with you when you fall or fail. So, be stronger and smarter enough to look after yourself. FAIL! Because you are going to learn from your failures. You might fail today, or tomorrow but not forever.

What we are going to learn from these above lines is, No one can bring us up anymore. Neither our parents nor our friends. But only us. We must recognize ourselves from our own identity. Everyone leaves us one day. And finally, you must fight alone. None is going to do anything for you.

There is a couple of rules for being a real leader. You need to take responsibility for your own life, bringing energy to your team, leading, leading and leadership. Nobody owes you anything, but you owe other people everything. That is what a leader does.

You take responsibility because you know exactly what you are not doing. It would be a crime if you live here and say, I do not know what to do. You know exactly what you are afraid of, what you have been avoiding and you must decide to change it. You know exactly what it is. You know what you need to do differently, the changes you need to make. If you could do that, then you will stop kidding yourself. you can win and you can overcome your fear of failure, overcome procrastination, whatever that it is.
I say to people, you have got to participate in your own rescue. You got to retool yourself. There are no sets in community colleges today for the most part that are going to prepare you for the economy or a job that is there. So, what is that going to do? You are just going to waste more money, more time. We need to retool ourselves. The governments are not going to do it for you. And even when you are in struggle, even when you are discouraged and you feel like other people have given up on you, do not ever give up on yourself.

Right now, between you and the person you want to be, there is a gap of skills and that is it. But once you know your mission, and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can do the extraordinary.

Now ironically, there are two ways to get control of your mind.

  1. The first way is directly going to the mind, which can be very scary, very daunting, and hard to grab
  2. In addition, the way number two is through the body.
    Moreover, I decided that my Running is going to be very good at developing my body. And in that process, I was going to learn about nutrition, strength, agility, and techniques, which would allow me to help my mom and my sister. In that, process I was going to credibility with myself and earning credit ability yourself is very important.

Moreover, I decided that my Running is going to be very good at developing my body. And in that process, I was going to learn about nutrition, strength, agility, and techniques, which would allow me to help my mom and my sister. In that, process I was going to credibility with myself and earning credit ability yourself is very important.

For me just showing up to the gym every day was a micro-victory. I said I am going to do it and I did it. So, for all of you, crazy people that are getting an endorphin rush from running, I hate you all. Running for me is like being stuffed into a meat grinder. Every time I start my race to finish it. And I never felt like quitting or giving up. Even you! Before quitting because you are tired, quitting because you failed in it, remember why you started!

Go start with your philosophy. Do not quit until you are done. Success does not come overnight. Hard work pays off. Success takes consistency, Persistence, discipline, and failure. Do not give excuses. Get rid of what is stopping you from being successful. And even the one thing that is stopping you is “YOU”. 

Here are some of the reasons why most people fail

Excuses sound best to the person who is making them up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get off the pity potty telling everybody your sad and sob stories, trying to get people to show your pity aperitifs and your pity parades. If you ever see me in a Rolls-Royce or 5 to 7-star hotels, living my life to the fullest, do not get jealous of me. Because I worked too hard to get it. If you want it, then go get it. Recognize! the excuses are not valid. They do not take you to your goal.

Do not waste your time on things that have no guarantee of success. Excuses are lies. And how do you stop the lies? Stop it with the truth. And the truth is YOU HAVE TIME.  You have the skills. You have the knowledge and the support and the willpower and the discipline to get it done. Every success in life begins with a challenge. It does not fall on your lap or is something easy. It is always going to be difficult. If you want it, you got to go get it. This is your chance. This is your shot. This is your moment, time, and place. And your opportunity.

And whatever you want to make, make it TODAY. In success, there is no such thing called TOMORROW. If you want to make it, then RISE and GRIND. You still have work to do. Do not stay on your bed. Because your comfort zone will kill you. It is grinding season homie! Go study because you want it at any cost. Do not quit because great things take time. Go work because promotions do not come with sick leave. Focus on your interests and get out of what is not your cup of tea. Only focus on what you want. Sacrifices change life. It is our only life. Make it count.

Finally, before concluding, all I want to say to you is to dream big. No matter how big your goal is. Just work on it and only dreaming about it will not take you there. But do what you must do. Do not forget your duty. Always remember the call of your duty. Take a minute and think about some of the successful people you know. I bet they are great people who are super productive and think differently than most. After all, that is how they got to be where they are today. Success also comes by studying some of the best books.

I am recommending you some of the sources, which I think is helpful for you to become successful.  Here are some of the books that will change your life and guide you towards your success.

1. MAKE YOUR BED: Little things that can change your life. And may be the world by William H. McRaven

2. THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho

3. SMARTER, FASTER, BETTER: The secrets of Being productive in Life and business by Charles Duhigg

4. MINDSET: The new psychology for success by Carol S. Dweck

5. HIGH-HANGING FRUIT: Build something great by going where no one else will by Mark Rampolla.  

All these books are available at at an ease and affordable cost.                                                                                             

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