Start your e-book business

Many transformations are taking place around us and the major one is happening in the way of communication and technology. Over the past few years there has been tremendous development and progress in the field of communication in terms of smartphones, which have made multi-tasking from a phone easy and convenient. As the horizon for communication expands it has presented organizations with the opportunity to reach out to their potential clients in more than one ways. Publishing e-books has become a popular way to disseminate information and to educate customers without being overtly commercial. The concept of e-books is loved, learned and incorporated in company’s marketing strategy.

About the business

Those who love and have a flair for writing now can be self-publishing e-book authors and create quite a flourishing business out of it. As digital marketing is growing to maturity, demand for qualified online writers has risen significantly. One can now earn by publishing e-books on various topics. Enterprises too look for e-book writers to outsource their requirements for publishing e-books.

E-book or electronic books was invented quite at the same time internet became popular as the easiest and fastest way of seeking information. Books were converted or written specifically for web media and accessible on internet through URLs. People could download and read them on their computer screen. Since e-books are cheap and often available for free, popularity of it rose almost immediately. Here is why e-book is popular as a business tool.

  • E-books are cheaper and involve less resource
  • Publishing e-book is easier and often one can self-publish
  • The simplest e-book can be a simple Pdf file
  • Accessible on internet for a large audience
  • One can make a niche for himself/herself for writing expert e-books on different topics and get appreciated by readers
  • Readers like the idea of easy access to a rich knowledge depository
  • One can create a repository of e-books on website to attract more visitors

Current market trend

As discussed above, e-books are currently in vogue as it seems that even major software companies too have recognized it as a significant web marketing tool. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing platform that allows e-books authors to publish directly without third-party intervention. KDP offers several benefits to self-publishing writers that we have listed below.

  • Better control over your published work with easy editing and formatting solutions
  • Support from the brand name of Amazon to publish your work to larger audience group
  • Faster publication solution. It takes less than five minutes
  • Multilingual support and publishing facilities
  • Listing service with Kindle app for free
  • Global distribution with an opportunity to earn 70% loyalty on your book

Level of competition

E-book publishing is gaining pace in India. It is emerging as an industry and accordingly competition too is increasing for writers. Indian e-book writers are now writing for national as well as international clientele and by taking advantage of self-publishing tool they are being able to reach out to larger audience in short time.

One can write for self or for any organization, writing for their business communication purpose. Currently, it is a growing $2 billion industry worldwide and growing at an amazing pace. But to remain competitive, one must continue to publish quality and entertaining books that would attract readers.

Who can start this business?

Almost everyone has some expertise on some area that he/she can share with others. The scopes and choice of topics for e-books are wide and almost anyone can become an author with self-publishing tools. However, it might be wise to develop an understanding of the market, its trends and requirements for successful career as a writer.

Skill set you need

As a writer you would need the following set of skills for your successful e-book business.

  • Knowledge of language, grammar
  • Training on professional writing – you can join courses or participate in workshops organized for professional writers
  • Honing writing skills
  • Knowledge and expertise on various areas
  • Understanding of market and its competition
  • Marketing skills

Level of risk

Like with any other industry, it too involves certain amount of risk. However, here is a list of mistakes that one must avoid in establishing e-book writing business.

  • Not automating parts of your business
  • Not writing compelling title or compelling story
  • Elaborating too much. People have shorter attention span online

If one can avoid making these mistakes it is a highly profitable business that one can establish with little capital and infrastructural investment.

Website building

Being an online writer your business needs support of professionally designed website that will highlight your services and work. Your website will help your readers and agencies willing to hire your services, find you easily and conveniently. You can build a library as a repository of your work where your readers can refer to find your published work. They can also refer your website to others and increase number of visitors and therefore your business.

Marketing plan

In this competitive online market where thousands of writers jostle to find themselves readers, writing a best-seller isn’t enough unless you have a comprehensive marketing plan to bring it to audience and prompt them to share it with their larger network. Today it isn’t enough to be a writer but one also needs to have great marketing abilities and understanding for an overall promotion of their work.

Off line: Off-line or conventional marketing strategy involves advertising directly to the audience. It may also include networking with clients and publishing agents at different levels. Participating in fairs, seminars and discussions are great ways to interact and network with the different agents from the industry.

Internet marketing: Since most part of e-book publishing business is online one can’t ignore the promising opportunities presented by digital marketing. It may include comprehensive SEO and SMO strategies, publishing and listing e-books with websites like – Amazon, Flipkart etc.

Marketing kit: Marketing kit of an e-book writer must comprise a sustainable business plan along with a business website and comprehensive off-line and online marketing strategy to devise a healthy growth plan for business. Small business training solution from SEO Training Point include mentoring solution comprising web building and hosting solutions; graphic designing services, digital marketing solutions, and more, to help entrepreneurs find a strong foothold in the industry.