Best ways to make money as a yoga instructor

20 awesome ways to make money as a yoga instructor

Wondering how to make money as a yoga instructor? Most yoga instructors know the struggle to earn a living by doing what they love. High studio rents and dwindling profits; even if the field expands, it is also becoming competitive.

However, they do not get upset as many instructors have also reached superstar status, living their dreams and earning money simultaneously. Yoga has gained immense popularity over the years; even the government supports these initiatives. Many people are inclined towards yoga and find it more beneficial than gym exercise for better health.

As reports suggest, there are more than 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide, and the yoga industry is estimated to reach $200 billion by 2025. The demand for good yoga instructors will also rise with the trend of inculcating yoga in life, hence seeing a growth in people joining and learning yoga.

Yoga teaching is a rewarding career as it allows you to combine your passion to help people and make a positive difference in learners’ lives. Even if many people do not think they’d make money when they think about yoga as a profession, it’s possible to turn your passion into a lucrative career.

To earn money as a yoga instructor, you have to be flexible. The entire yoga industry is highly competitive and is growing consistently. But it’s possible to stand out in the crowd and make yourself a known figure in the business.

If you are thinking about how to make money as a yoga instructor with many teachers to compete with, then this article is perfect for you. You will know about 20 odd awesome ways to make money as a yoga instructor.

But before diving into ways to make money as a yoga instructor, you should know how much they earn to feel motivated.

How much a yoga instructor earns?

On average, yoga instructors earn more than $69,965 per year, and if you are looking to measure earnings per hour, it usually ranges between $25 to $35 when working at a yoga studio. Similarly, in India, the average salary of a yoga instructor is about ₹ 1, 78,750 per month.

But it is important to remember that these numbers highly depend on many factors such as your location, years of experience, specialization area and total time you will devote. So, now let’s know about 20 odd fascinating ways to make money as yoga instructors.

Here are 20-plus ways to Make Money as a yoga instructor

  1. Teaching at a yoga studio: Applying for a yoga instructor job to work at a yoga studio. It is one of the foremost options that you can do on a full-time or part-time basis. It is also good for bulking up your yoga resume. But if you make it your sole source of income, it might result in burnout. You must diversify and think of another stream of revenue.
  2. Private clients: Besides teaching at the studio, you can also consider getting some private clients. You can set your hourly rate and earn more than any group class. It’s like a bonus; you can work around it per your schedule.
  3. Teaching corporate yoga: Many companies see the advantages of yoga and mindfulness. Many of them have started offering yoga as a benefit to their employees. So, you can take advantage of this opportunity and take up corporate yoga classes, whether at lunch break, corporate retreat, or any team-building event. You can teach yoga to a busy and stressed-out employee. When you add companies to your list of clients, it helps you diversify the income stream and the client base.
  4. Teach at any hotel or any resort: Like corporate companies, many hotels and resorts now offer their guests yoga classes. It is because of the growing yoga travel industry. Even if your students here will be temporary, it’s a good way to gain some experience and earn quick money. From hatha yoga to restorative yoga, you can offer teachings in various kinds of yoga.
  5. Provide your service at any daycare or as an after-school program: Children’s yoga is also gaining popularity as its benefits are realized. Providing classes at any daycare or any afterschool program can bring in yoga for the kids who may not otherwise avail of this opportunity. If you do not have the certification to teach yoga to kids, there are several online and other training you can select from.
  6. Hold some yoga pop-ups: If you are new in your career of yoga teaching, then this is one of the best options. Yoga Pops Up offers you a chance to gain some experiences beyond the traditional studio setting. Since yoga can be performed anywhere, you can become creative wherever you hold classes, such as parks, beaches, lounges etc. Several platforms like and Facebook groups are perfect for doing yoga pop-ups no matter where you are.
  7. Teach at different retreats:  If you are a wanderlusting yogi, you opt to teach yoga at yoga retreats. The popularity of yoga and wellness retreats has been increasing significantly, and they offer several options to choose from across the world. Here, you will get a chance to teach yoga, earn money, and also explore new places.
  8. Arrange your yoga retreats: When you work in an industry, you will surely gain a lot of regular students, other wellness workers, and some fellow teachers within any yoga community. When you have those strong connections, you can opt to organize and facilitate your yoga retreat. Hosting a retreat is best for those planners who wish to create something of their own. You can also upload your yoga retreat on sites such as and get paying students who wish to travel to practice yoga.
  9. Provide yoga workshops: A lot of people who have an interest in teaching yoga also have other areas of interest. Bringing together your workshop is one of the ways to supplement your income and also combine your talents. You can provide yoga and meditation workshops, a workshop on the lifestyle of yogis or any style-specific workshop. Some popular workshops include yoga therapy, aerial yoga, yoga nidra, and Ayurveda diet.
  10. Write for yoga blogs and publications: There are several other ways to share your yoga knowledge. You can also take a break from your yoga mat and write on yoga. Several yoga and wellness blogs are looking for contributors where you can supplement your income. You can look for some writing opportunities on various platforms like yoga trade. You can also write for some unpaid publications initially to enhance your exposure and build a portfolio before you start getting payment for your work.
  11. Write eBook or book: If you love writing and want to do some extensive project, consider writing a book or an eBook. There are many ways to self-publish an eBook that makes it easily accessible. Writing offers you a passive income for supplementing your teaching yoga job. A book is a beautiful and strong way to enrich a student’s life and also adds to your income source.
  12. Initiate a podcast: Another way to share your yogic expertise with the world is by discussing it through podcasts. Statistics show that Americans are more interested in listening to podcasts regularly. So, with these options, why limit your role as a yoga instructor to a geographic location? With the increasing popularity of podcasts, many yoga studios are now giving their spaces for recordings. It is easy to create a podcast nowadays.
  13. Build your brand: This can take time and needs marketing. However, it can become lucrative, and you can achieve success. Once you have established your brand, there are several ways by which you can make some money. One way of offering retreats or training programs is in your brand name. Another way is to launch your yoga application.
  14. Manage your yoga studio or center: It might not be teaching, but you can still participate in the yoga culture. Many works go behind the scenes at any yoga center or yoga studio. It can be administrative tasks, marketing or sales. There are many ways through which you can make money.
  15. Organize your own yoga retreats or yoga teacher training: If planning is your thing and you like staying behind the scenes, you can organize things for yoga retreats or yoga training. Some of the positions include monetary compensation, and others provide free accommodation and food for services.
  16. Be an Instagram influencer: If you are a social media savant, an Instagram business account can surely add some revenue. Instagram influencers are those users who have more than 10000 followers and some engagement. At this level, you will get offers from various companies for posting content or endorsing products through Instagram photos.
  17. Start your YouTube channel: If you like creating videos, then you can consider starting your own YouTube channel and using it as a platform for teaching yoga online. Once you get 250,000 views with a good number of subscribers, your videos become desirable for advertisers and generate income for you.
  18. Take online yoga classes: There is a rise in the popularity of online yoga platforms. These subscription-based websites provide various classes from various instructors. As people will take classes remotely from across the world, it will surely assist you in establishing your name and a reputation as a teacher. YouTube is one of the best launching platforms. Then you can also take live classes using platforms like Skype, Google Meet, etc.
  19. Provide paid content on your website: If you do not like depending on YouTube, you can make a section with yoga classes and lectures on your website. Adding options like paid subscriptions can assist you in monetizing your website and generating a passive income stream. Make a section for yoga videos that can be accessed through a subscription.
  20. Make your online yoga training program: Once you gain some experience, you can start sharing your expertise by providing your teacher training program. You can start one, which is Yoga Alliance, or you can also create your signature training program. When you start your yoga career, the most vital thing to do is to have clear values and align yourself with them in every aspect of your career.
  21. Do affiliate marketing: Being an affiliate marketer has its perks. This is a kind of process where you being a yoga teacher, will market the products of other people and then earn a percentage of the profit each time a sale is done through your link or promotion. This helps you not only add up some revenue but also increase networking. Reach out to companies that provide products and services that you like and use them and see if they are interested in having you as an affiliate marketer.
  22. Create and sell a product that serves the yoga community: While affiliate marketing is one of the best businesses for making money, do not forget the other option. You can create a product that will serve the yoga community. This product can be anything that you think assists you in your yoga journey and that might also serve to assist others. Creating your product also opens the door for other people to market for you.
  23. Do digital marketing for yoga studios: One of the best jobs for tech-savvy entrepreneurs is marketing for yoga studios, as they have a deficit of staff helping with their marketing. Think of providing your skills as a part-time expert, and you can make a good living by freelancing with some 3 – 5 yoga studios. When you offer a big impact, you can enhance your prices. Use useful skills, including website development, social media marketing, and email marketing.
  24. Write guest posts: You can also earn some money by writing guest posts for yoga, fitness and wellness blogs. Bloggers often look for industry experts to write content for their websites. And yes, you will not have to be a pro writer to write a guest post. You can type “write for us +yoga” in the search bar and get numerous blogs ready to pay guest writers for their expertise. Guest posting is one of the best ways to market your business and establish yourself as one of the authorities in the industry.


So, if you are looking to earn more as a yoga instructor, then it’s time you should diversify your services. Many yoga instructors make money from online and in-person classes by selling products and courses and using the above-written ways.


Can you make a living as a yoga teacher?

Yes, you can make a living as a yoga teacher and many people are doing it. A lot of yoga instructors worldwide are making life extremely comfortable.

How much money a yoga teacher can make?

The salary of a yoga instructor varies greatly. Yoga studios pay $30-60 per class, and if you teach yoga online or give private lessons, you can charge a lot more.

Can a yoga instructor make money online?

Yes, there are many ways a yoga instructor can make money online. Some people think it’s the best choice as it costs less when compared with opening up a yoga studio.

Is doing a 200-hour yoga teacher training worth it?

Yes, it works, as you can get an easy start, and most people will trust that you have the required basic skills for teaching yoga.

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