Bill Gates biography

Bill Gates: The Pioneer of the Digital Age Introduction The digital revolution was beginning, and the most popular operating system was starting to shape up. Microsoft Corporation, headed by Bill…

Business lessons inspired by Animals

15 Animal Traits Can Lead Us to Business Success Do you know we share so many characteristics with animals, and why we need to re-learn them for running businesses? Animals…

Approval for Rs.45,000 crore Fundraise by Vodafone Idea Board

Vodafone Idea, once a leading telecom giant, has been finding it hard in recent years due to heavy losses. They have been working on trying to raise funds to reduce…

8 Corporate Lessons from Buddhism

The ancient Buddhist philosophy believes in the eightfold path to leading a lie, which helps to transform ourselves into understanding the world better. The teachings follow the non-linear way of…

 10 valuable business lessons from nature

As you know, Mother Nature has always been nurturing and sustaining. But have you wondered how nature can inspire some of the best lessons in business not found in any…

Kumar Mangalam Birla’s Novelis to have US IPO launch

An aluminium company from the Aditya Birla Group is going to make it to the US IPO. Novelis is a Hindalco-owned company that will be the first conglomerate from India…

Biden Administration’s Waiver of 1.2 USD Billion in Student Loans

Students with huge debts acquired during their educational journey can breathe a sigh of relief as the US government has decided to cancel the student loans of $1.2 billion. The…

India’s Booming Growth Rate of AI, Touching $17 Billion in 2027

Ranking among the top tech nations, India has always found a niche in capturing the AI market, with an expected growth rate of 15% by 2027. Over the years, the…

10 important management lessons from Chanakya Niti

One of the most widely regarded books on Governance was written by a great man known as Chanakya. He was perhaps the first’ management guru’ of ancient India who had…

10 important business lessons from Bhagavad Gita

Have you ever read the Bhagavad Gita other than knowing it’s a part of our ancient Hindu scriptures? The depth of each phrase or verse in this epic creation has…